Forced adoption: five years on, there’s still so much work to be done to right the wrongs by Nahum Mushin, Adjunct professor of law at Monash University.
Read the full article here.
Demanding Accountability
Read the full article here.
To read the winter edition of Vanish Voice click on the link: VANISH VOICE AUGUST 2017
Victorian Adoption Network for Information and Self Help.
Update: Review of the Adoption Act 1984
Independent Regional Mothers call for a Royal Commission
They denied me the beating of your little heart
Your first breathe
The feeling of your warm perfect little fingers
The right to count your toes
My breasts denied the right to nourish you
My eyes to watch you grow
My legs to run with you
My arms to hold you close
My face to see your smiling eyes
But they failed to see our invisible cord
Attached to my heart
They failed to see our
Invisible cord
Attached to my heart
I am your Mother
You are my child
My love is yours always
You will always be mine